Cappa and D’Alberto Redesign.

Website redesign for a leading building and civil engineering contracting firm.

Cappa and D’Alberto PLC
User research UI & UX Product Design
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Cappa and D’Alberto Plc, a renowned building and civil engineering contracting firm in Nigeria, sought to revitalize its digital presence to maintain industry leadership. The existing website suffered from outdated information, a misaligned design with the brand, and a failure to showcase the company's rich history, leading to a lack of coherence.


In a highly competitive industry, a strong digital presence is crucial. Cappa and D’Alberto aimed to attract potential clients and solidify their position as industry pioneers. The website's design and content mismatched the company's legacy, causing confusion rather than coherence.

Design process

Conducted workshops with key stakeholders to comprehend the company's vision, internal needs, and external context. The goal was not only to understand what the website should look like but how it should function.

I started off the project by investigating internal (company) and external (users) drivers to crystallise the area of a potential solution, outlining how the website should work, but not how it should look.First things first, I spent a few workshop sessions with key stakeholders (the business) to learn about their vision for the company and figure out what they need from us. In order for us to design something worth creating for them, we needed an understanding of internal: business needs, requirements, goals; external: context, competitors and best practices.

To be the leader and ultimate point of reference in Nigeria’s building construction industry.


Heuristic Evaluation

Conducted a heuristic evaluation to identify usability issues in the old design. A comparison with the old webpage design highlighted areas of improvement.

Old Webpage Design
Old Webpage Design


Defining the taxonomy

Developed a comprehensive site map, focusing on information architecture and content hierarchy. Defined the taxonomy to present the company's rich history in a structured manner.

Low fidelity prototype

I created low-fidelity wireframes for the construction of this design to develop structural layouts. Every visual and feature was created for this redesign as a way for clients to explore more about the company through their website - and, since they are planning on expanding, it was necessary to highlight these features so they can attract some future prospects without being too overwhelming.


High fidelity prototype

The new website design features a modern and professional layout that effectively showcases the company's services and projects. The navigation has been streamlined to make it easier for users to find the information they are looking for. We also added a contact form and clearly displayed the company's contact information to make it easy for potential clients to get in touch. After creating the wireframe and structuring the sitemap, i moved on the designing the interface.


One of the most crucial lesson I learned from my experience on this project was to understand the brands vision and motivations for suggesting a redesign of their old website. It was crucial for my design process. Also, empathising and understanding the mission and vision of the company, help stakeholders and I align our efforts to improve the company’s move towards the desired direction.